Configuring Apache2 on ReadyNAS Ultra 2 for Multiple Virtual Hosts

Basic web hosting on the ReadyNAS is simple and can be done via frontview. The problem with it is that it allows indexing which is a security flaw and it messes up your URL with a suffix (

To solve this problem, we have to dwell into Apache2’s config files or install another web server (ie: lighttpd). However, 2 processes can’t share the same port which could lead to more configuration nightmare.

As we know, ReadyNAS Ultra already came with Apache2 installed. It has a preconfigured Virtual.conf. Modifying of the preconfigured files are usually not recommended since it a firmware upgrade/reinstall or even reconfiguring certain settings in from frontview would revert the file back to its original settings. Fortunately, we could make use of the included addons folder.

But first, we have to modify the Virtual.conf by removing the catch all “_default_” tag with an “*”

<VirtualHost _default_:80>


<VirtualHost *:80>

Next, we create a new .conf file (remember to set the permissions appropriately) in /etc/frontview/apache/addons

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /path/to/

  <Directory /path/to/>
    Options Indexes
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

  SSLEngine off

The <Directory> code there disables indexes which is what I wanted and the ServerAlias is a good way to have multiple URL pointing at the same DocumentRoot without having to declare new VirtualHosts. This configuration of course could be used as many times in a single config file as you want as long as the ServerName and Aliases does not conflict each other.

Finally, do a quick Apache restart and we are in business.

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3 Responses to Configuring Apache2 on ReadyNAS Ultra 2 for Multiple Virtual Hosts

  1. Pingback: Enabling .htaccess on ReadyNAS Ultra 2 | My Scratchpad

  2. Cale McCollough says:

    Where is Virtual.conf???? Searching for it under OS6.1.7 results in no hits.

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